- Bulgarian Split Squat: Stand in front of a bench or chair. Place one foot up on the bench and use the other leg to squat up and down. Make sure that you are able to keep the heel of your lead leg pressed down into the ground, that you can keep your torso upright and your belly button pointed straight ahead. Descend until you lightly touch the knee of your trail leg to the ground and then drive through the heel of your lead leg and squeeze your butt cheek to come back up.
- Single Leg Squat: Stand in front of a chair or bench, preferably one low enough so that your upper thigh is parallel to the ground when you squat down to it. Keeping your heel on the ground, sit back and down until you feel the bench behind you. Lightly touch the bench and then push through your heel, squeeze your butt cheek and stand back up.
- Side Press: Stand with a dumbbell in one hand like you were going to do a regular shoulder press. As you press overhead, bend over to the side. Keep your shoulders and hips square and really think about pushing your hips out as you bend over.
Time it out so that your arms lock out and you reach the end of your bend at the same time. Keeping the dumbbell pointed up to the ceiling, drive your hips back over your feet and get your torso upright. Lower the weight back down to the starting position and repeat. Remember to do your reps on both sides.
- Bent Row: With one hand holding a dumbbell, take the back of your other hand and place it in the arch of your lower back. Bend your knees a little bit and push your butt back behind your heels, letting your chest come down towards the ground. Be sure that you use your hand to make sure you keep a nice arch in your lower back.
Once you get down as far as your mobility allows stop and get your core set tight. Row the dumbbell up by thinking about driving your elbow as far behind you as you can. Don’t twist as you row up and keep your core tight and control the dumbbell on the way back down.
Unilateral Training with Team Yeti's Aaron Gwin
Aaron Gwin,
body building,
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