
[港女,有片] 香港之恥…港女南韓首爾發難…





勾引客人去請佢飲酒,對酒吧員工極不友善。去左SamRyans四日,經常罵酒巴女員工為淫婦。經常騷擾其他客人請佢飲酒,令佢極不受歡迎 。酒吧員工有禮貌地叫佢走。

Note: 係呢條片拍之前,佢大叫大喊左好奈。拍片原因係為日後若要提堂而提供證據。佢絕對不是受害人,亦沒被歧視。佢可以隨時離開,但係因為佢賴死唔走所以能拍得此片。

Youtube 原文︰

This crazy bitch arrived in Seoul and wasted no time in making herself feel at home. She seduced one hapless guy on her first day with suitcase in tow. Demanding king-crab like a spoilt child, then accommodation in his apartment for a week and airfare to Japan, the relationship was doomed from the start! She quickly became barred from a host of drinking establishments around Itaewon due to constantly racking up bar tabs, hitting on patrons to pay them for her and her appalling attitude towards the staff. After being in SamRyans above 3Alleys Pub http://www.3alleypub.com/ for four days running, calling the bar girls whores, pestering the patrons for drinks and generally making herself unwelcome, she was politely asked to leave. This is what happened.....................

Note. She was screaming and shouting for a while before the video was started and the video was being taken for evidence incase of a criminal offence. She was in no way victimised or subjected to any form of racism. She could have left at anytime of her own accord, it was a just good fortune she provided material for a great video!


8 の 玩物